Tuesday, November 10, 2009

From Autumn to Winter...

...in the blink of an eye! On the last days of October, Ana and I felt that autumn and all it's beautiful textures are saying their final goodbye. The mountain meadows below Storžič, Mala and Velika Poljana, were probably the best choice for the sunny afternoon. We were first welcomed by breathtaking colors of nature (dressing up for a harsh winter) and later by a family, staying at a hunting lodge on Mala Poljana. They were making the last count of the chamois population this year and kindly offered us mountain tea. After an hour of chit-chat we realized it was time to link back with reality and descent to the valley.

Less than a week later, winter decided to show all its anger and started with its usual artillery: low temperatures, chilly wind and endless snow blizzards. This turned out to be the winning combination of spices, which allowed Kebr and me to make an early ski-touring trip to Krvavec. Kebr celebrated our triumph with his usual power drink - CocaCola.


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