Friday, April 12, 2013

Montenegro: Kom Vasojevićki (2461m)

After a great opening in Bosnia, we continued our trip towards Montenegro, a small Balkan country, covered with breathtaking mountains. We used the rainy weather for quality time, such as relaxing, swimming, playing board games and enjoying the culinary specialties of Kolašin. We also climbed Troglava (2072m) in Biogradska Gora National Park; however, the weather was still showing its teeth and the photos are nothing to show.

On Wednesday, the weather forecast was finally better, and we decided to tackle Maja Jezerce (2694m), the highest peak in Prokletije Mountains. This is truly a remote and spectacular group, running down the border with Albania. We were rather shocked, when we realized the mountain pass Trešnjevik (1573m), which is the main connection between central and southern Montenegro, is under 2 meters of snow. Luckily the country can offer mountains on every corner. We left the car on 1200m and started ascending towards our "jocker" - Kom Vasojevićki (2461m). We climbed it directly from the ridge, and then skied through a steep valley towards the East. The snow conditions were perfect, and we were all in a state of ecstasy, as we sunbathed on top of Šančevi (1828m).

From Šančevi, we descended down a narrow ridge and ended practically at the car. Below you can also find a map of both our climb and descent.

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