Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Koroška Rinka

The year of 2007 was just about to say goodbye; however, we didn't let it slip away without closing the final chapter. This time the team was very diverse: Mare - extreme surfer, Dadi - extreme border, then comes me the extreme skier.. oh and let's not forget Ana - the extreme photograph poseur;) We started at waterfall Rinka and ascended through Turski Žleb to Koroška Rinka (2433m). I could go on and on about the trip, but lets just say that it was a manifestation of beauty, mountaineering, skiing... It had everything from powder, vertical slopes, narrow passages, ice, rock, sunset, endless horizons, laughs, fatigue... but most important of all - friendships. Oh we even met our Statistics II professor and took a few legendary photos 2100 meters high. The skiing was great from top to bottom and the snow conditions went through all the spectrum of quality. (Alpinistic skiing: III).

And for the end.. the mystical sunset and Ana giving us the "look" that tells the whole story. The story of adventure, happiness, fatigue and that its time to finally go to sleep... adieu!


Unknown said...

Janko, nisi omenil, da si izgubil telefon. Sicer so pa slike res dobre, mi je ful žal, da nisem mogel zraven.

Jano boy, you havent mentioned anything about losing your cellphone. I have to say Im impressioned by the beauty of the landscape and pics are very nice. I regret I couldnt come with you guys.

Mare said...

Whoa ... you should've been a poet, Jano ;) Nicely written!

Check also my post (though in Slovenian) @

ana said...

Yea Janvit, it was indeed like in a fairy tale! I have already bought all the equipment and I am looking forward to our next venture..