Cross-country skiing is an activity that has recently landed on my "must-try list," and with Ana very fond of this sport, it was time to make the first move. I thought the end of the season is the best time to buy discounted equipment. However, after visiting a few shops, I found out this is nearly a mission impossible. There were no discounts, and even more - there was no more skies. The epic battle of Petra Majdič at the Olympics combined with a very good winter in Slovenia, made this sport very popular and all the equipment was simply grabbed. Well, this time I was saved by Ana's father, that generously lent me his. And so we drove to Kranjska gora, put on the skies and raced towards the Italian border. As you can imagine, I was a little clumsy at the start, but what can you expect from a big boy like me:) However, I quickly learned the basics and shifted into top gear. We had a lot of fun in the end and skied for more than 10 kilometers. I must say that cross-country skiing is a great winter sport and I will definitely buy all the gear before the next season. And yes.. ski touring is still number one!

HAHA! Tut sama sem letos prvič stopila na tekaške smuče in mi je šport všeč. Seveda sem hotela kupit opremo, ampak kot si rekel - mission impossilbe!! tudi jaz sem mislila, da bom zdaj proti koncu sezone ugodno kupila opremo. No, z Matevžem sva jo po dolgem iskanju vendarle dobila in to z nekaj popusta (cca. 20%). Ampak sva jo kupovala po delih, bila v stiku s prodajalci, večkrat šla probat čevlje in tako naprej.
In naj ti povem, da je bilo vse razprodano že pred dosežkom Petre Majdič!
Kok si mel pa kej musklfibra naslednji dan? Ker delajo čist druge mišice kot pri navadnem smučanju al pa drugih športih ...?
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Go! Jano(johnny) go!
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