Monday, May 18, 2009

Kotovo Pass.. finally!

Kotovo pass (2134m) holds a special place in my heart, since this was one of my first ski-touring trips. In 2005 Leon and I attacked it with absolutely no equipment and with ski boots in our backpacks. Due to exhaustion and bad weather we were denied and had to turn around on 2000m, however, this was a great lesson - there's no joking with mountains. Ironically, Kotovo pass was never really conquered, since Jalovčev ozebnik lies straight in your path and always successfully seduces you.

This time we were determined and Kotovo pass fell on its knees, as we ascended up the highest ravine (2340m) below Jalovec. The views and the skiing terrain were breathtaking, and even grumping Kebr was more than pleased. Prti had some unfinished business with the "hole," so he went to pay her a visit! There is still enough snow to ski to the car.. and Leon, Kebr, Prti and Ana are all coming back to visit mighty Jalovec and all his playgrounds!


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