Thursday, February 11, 2010

Srednji Vrh... out of the fog!

This winter is really extraordinary (many people grumble about it, but for us its heaven), and not only in the mountains, but in whole Slovenia. The temperatures are below 0 degrees Celsius for nearly two months and it snows almost every week. Actually, we have about half a meter of snow in Ljubljana.. really a white ferry-tale. However, there is a small cosmetical problem: the days are foggy and dark, which means you need to move higher in order to reach the sun. And that's exactly what Dadi and I had in mind on Monday, when we climbed Srednji Vrh (1797m) and gazed at the giants around us. In no time we were back in the darkness of Ljubljana, but the sunny memories of powder slopes are here to stay. And not to forget - Dadi makes a great companion.


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