Friday, January 30, 2009

Blegoš squared!

Yesterday we had a double portion of Blegoš and we were more than satisfied in the end. We skied to the North, where we enjoyed firs-class powder and then ascended back to the top. We then skied the classic route to the East that ends up on the steep clearing above the road. There was lots of snow, sunshine, wine and fun-time.. and I can say that Blegoš never lets me down!



edo said...

A ti v angleščini pišeš, al maš kakšen prevajalnik?

Jano said...

Ja pišem v angleščini.. mal za vajo, pa da lahk tud kkšn tujc prebere! Drgač pa te prevajalniki res lahko delajo čudo, vidu na lastne oči.. edin stavki so mal smešni:)

Lucka said...

Joj vidm da bom mogla obiskati Blegoš dokler je še snega, pravljično! :)

Anonymous said...

Hvala za intiresnuyu iformatsiyu