Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sledding wtih Scouts!

In the past few weeks, I have been excercising my mind more than my body (Microeconomics III+, S4), however I still found the time for a fun sledding trip with Scouts. Together with Jerro from the "wolf" gang, we organized a trip to Valvasorjev dom (1171m) below mountain Stol. Scout trips can sometimes turn out to be very stressful for the organizers (logistics, nauty kids, weather), but this one was just perfect. The first train from Ljubljana was at 9:45, which forced us to sleep a little more than usually:) All the 36 of us made quite a scene on the train, where we disturbed the peace of casual passengers. Well it wasn't that bad;) From Žirovnica, we walked through a few scary tunnels and across a small mountain ridge where we arrived at the lake on the other side. After about a 600m climb we reached Valvasorjev dom, where we had a quick snack and a few practical lessons with the kids. They learned a lot about hiking equipment, snow conditions and about dangers in the mountains. We also showed them how to make a "snow-cut" (checking the snow layers), and we practices the art of searching for snow-buried people with digital avalanche transceivers.
The grand finale of the day, was of course the sledding descent, which everybody looked foreword to. Legendary Mihić (the guy who walked Slovenia) and Maja Burja were of course the fastest. I descended with my snowblades (1m long), which I attached to my Alpina winter boots. Of course winter boots are way to soft for good skiing, but after a few funny turns, which ended up in fresh powder, I quickly mastered the boot-skiing technique. The road from Valvasorjev dom has a constant inclination and is just perfect for sledding. After about 30 minutes of racing we almost ran into the lake. When everybody arrived at the bottom, we quickly lit up the torches and marched back to the train. We had lots of fun...and many legends were there!

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